What makes Part Three Digital different?…and why you should join us

This is a question we have thought about a lot over the past year and really it comes down to why we decided to set up Part Three Digital. Jess and I wanted to create the agency we wanted to work for.

An agency made up of brilliant people who are experts in their field. An agency that creates award-winning social and search campaigns for clients. An agency that cares about our employees, wants to see them thrive and feel happy in work. And we know that so much of this comes down to the people we hire.

A Focus on Career Progression

To join us, isn’t just a pit stop on your way up the digital career ladder, we want to hold the ladder for you. We create an individual progression plan with each of our employees, so they know exactly what path they are on and what they need to do to make the next step in their role and achieve their goals.

Nurturing our staff, making sure they feel listened to, rewarded and motivated to do what they do each day is something we are passionate about. We have the pleasure of loving our job and we want others to feel that way too!

There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning and wanting to go to work, someone acknowledging that you did a good job and knowing that every day is another step in the right direction for your career.

Shaping our Culture at Part Three Digital

Agency life is synonymous with late nights, tight deadlines and often a hierarchical culture. We understand and LOVE the nature of the business we’re in (that’s why we started the company!) but we know we can shape the culture of Part Three Digital to bring out the best in people, opposed to an atmosphere that thrives on chaotic work schedules and harbours fear in employees.

Do we work hard? Yes. Do we do the odd late night to help our clients out? Absolutely! But do we instil a culture that you must work late to get ahead? Not at all.

Most importantly, we create a culture where helping each other is the norm. We celebrate the wins together and work through problems as a team. We recognise if someone is working too much and we encourage holidays and downtime. 

The Digital Marketing Industry

We cannot highlight enough how exciting working in Digital Marketing is at the minute. It’s a cliché to say digital is ever-changing but it really is. There’s always an algorithm change or a new social platform to keep us on our toes and force us to sharpen our skills. We see this as an opportunity to do bigger and better things for our clients.

At Part Three Digital, we have avoided taking the ‘holistic approach’ to digital marketing in favour of a real focus on what are clients need and what we’re great at – delivering results on social media and maximising website traffic organically through SEO.

Join The Part Three Digital Team

If Part Three Digital sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please get in touch. We are currently hiring a Social Media Executive and Digital Advertising Specialist with applications closing for both on 6th August.


Our First Award Nomination - Best Newcomer at The Digital Media Awards


Announcing Part Three Digital, an agency who cares.